Employment Service Providers Membership

Employment Service Providers

As an ODEN member, your voice will contribute to ongoing initiatives aimed at increasing employment opportunities for people who have a disability. We invite you to be part of a united, provincial network to create positive change in the workplace. ODEN provides tools, resources and learning opportunities for building your capacity for employment inclusion in Ontario.

Membership benefits:

  • Connect with a network of over 140 employment service providers and disability organizations across the province
  • Organization listing on the ODEN website — including membership map and listing
  • Access to members only tools and resources
  • Co-branding opportunities with various marketing materials
  • Partnering and support for Employer Engagement events
  • Access to ODEN’s Business Champions League — a unique group of business leaders who are disability-inclusive hiring role models in their industries
  • Access to employment opportunities provided through ODEN’s work with businesses in your region
  • Share promising practices, create synergies, and develop alliances and relationships to expand professional and service networks
  • Participate in exclusive ODEN Connection events and webinars
  • Showcase your agency through various media channels — interviews, articles, videos, social media posts
  • Access to sponsorship and speaking opportunities at ODEN’s annual Rethinking Disability Conference and other events
  • Monthly newsletters keeping you up to date
  • Discounts for training where applicable

Employment Service Provider membership types

Full Membership

Full membership is available to organizations in Ontario operating employment services for people who have a disability facing barriers to employment. For each paid membership, an organization may have one voting representative. Voting representatives shall be members of the staff of the organization.

Full members will have full voting rights and privileges; be eligible to be elected to the Board, sit on committees, and access to the member-only information.

Associate Membership

Associate membership is for like-minded organizations who share the Network’s goals and objectives but do not operate employment programs. Associate members shall be without a vote.

Associate members may not hold office, but may serve on committees or taskforces of the Network.


Stakeholder Membership

This membership is available to organizations in Ontario identified as Funders sharing common goals and interests with ODEN. For example:
  • Foundations
  • Government Ministries and Departments
  • Service System Managers
Research-focused organizations, Advocacy organizations and Network associations are also eligible for Stakeholder Membership.
Stakeholder members:
  • Will be approved by the ODEN Board and pay the required membership dues
  • Cannot vote
  • Cannot hold office, but may serve on committees or task forces for the Network, as determined by the ODEN Board

Single Membership

An individual who shares the Network’s goals and objectives and does not qualify under other membership categories. Individual members shall be without a vote. Individual members may not hold office, but may serve on committees or task forces of the Network.

Organizations that offer an employment service qualify as a Full Member.
Operating Budget Full Member Fee
$100,000 or less $250
$101,000 to $250,000 $350
$251,000 to $500,000 $375
$501,000 to $999,000 $400
Over $1,000,000 $500
Organizations that share ODEN’s goals and objectives, and do not operate an employment service qualify as Associate Members.
Fee Associate Member Fee
Flat Rate $400



Organizations identified as Funders sharing common goals and interests with ODEN, including Foundations, Government Ministries and departments and Service System Managers.  Research Focused organizations, Advocacy organizations and Network Associations are also eligible. 
Fee Stakeholder Member Fee
Flat Rate $600



Single Individual Membership for Individuals who share ODEN’s Goals and Objectives
Fee $25

ODEN’s membership year is from April 1 of the current calendar year to March 31 of the following calendar year. Members joining after October 1 will have their membership prorated at 60% of the full rate and prorated based on the number of months remaining in the membership year.

** Please note **: If your organization operates an employment service of any kind, you are eligible only for Full Membership. Associate Membership is only for organizations that do not provide employment services but want to support our work.

Become a member


For more information or to determine your membership level please contact Lila Jorgenson, Administrative and Membership Coordinator, at ljorgenson@odenetwork.com or call 1-866-280-6336 Ext. 106.